Furnace Repair – Common Problems That Can Lead to Costly Repairs

If your furnace produces unusual noises, a professional service technician can diagnose and fix the problem. For example, banging and whining sounds may be caused by a dirty blower or thermostat problems. Contact Furnace Repair Houston for professional help.

Furnace Repair

A puddle next to your furnace might be a sign of a water leak. This can be a simple repair, but it’s important to address it immediately.

The burners in your furnace create a flame that ignites gas and heats the air in your home. If this burner is clogged with dust, debris, or carbon it won’t ignite properly and your system will be less efficient. This means you’ll need to use more energy to warm your house and may even experience unexpected furnace problems. If you think your furnace burner is dirty, a professional technician should inspect and clean it to prevent serious issues.

The first sign of dirty burners is typically increased furnace noise. This increased noise may be heard throughout your home through ductwork, registers, and vents. It is a result of the burning of excess dirt, which narrows the air passage in the combustion chamber and increases air flow resistance.

In severe cases, heavily clogged burners can stop the furnace from firing at all. This is a fire hazard and can leave you without heating during cold weather. Oftentimes, a clogged burner will emit strange odors, such as a burning smell or oily scent.

Other signs of dirty burners include a lack of heat in certain rooms, rapid changes in thermostat temperatures, and an increase in heating utility bills. Dirty burners reduce the efficiency of your system, causing it to work harder and take longer to reach the desired temperature.

To clean your burners, shut off the power to the furnace by turning off its breaker or locating and closing the gas valve. You’ll also need to turn off the blower fan in order to safely access the burners. Once you’ve turned off the power and shut off the gas, remove the furnace access panel to expose the burners. You should then use a brush or vacuum cleaner attachment to remove any visible dirt or debris. Be sure to wear protective equipment as some of the debris could be rusty or broken glass.

Once you’ve removed any debris, be sure to replace the access panel and test the burners. If they are still dirty, you can repeat the process until they are completely cleaned. After your burners are clean, reassemble the furnace and be sure to restart the system. Check the burners for a blue flame to ensure that they are functioning properly.

Dirty Air Ducts

Dirty air ducts contribute to poor indoor air quality. Dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens collect in clogged air ducts over time and are then circulated throughout the house. These allergens trigger asthma and other respiratory issues in many families. They also promote the development of lower respiratory infections like bronchitis and pneumonia.

If you or any of your family members suffer from asthma, you should make sure your air ducts are cleaned regularly. If you have children with asthma, this is even more important since clogged air ducts can cause an increased severity of symptoms in these kids.

Clogged air ducts can also interfere with the function of your home heating and cooling system. This is because they prevent the efficient circulation of heated or cooled air, which can lead to higher energy bills and less comfort in your home.

Another sign that your air ducts need cleaning is if you see a lot of dust around your vents. This is because clogged vents allow dirt and other debris to build up faster than normal, which can interfere with the airflow of your heating or cooling system.

You should also check the ductwork for signs of mold or mildew. Mold spores can cause severe allergies and respiratory distress in some people, so they should be removed promptly. Air ducts that are damp or humid are also a breeding ground for mold.

Other signs that your air ducts need cleaning include if you notice that the airflow through your vents is slower than usual or that some rooms are warmer or cooler than others. This is because the dirty air ducts are preventing the proper circulation of warm or cold air, which causes your HVAC system to work harder and can result in higher energy bills.

If you have guests in your home, they may notice a musty smell coming from the vents or in the room. This odor is caused by the growth of mildew and mold in the ductwork, and it can be difficult to get rid of. If you can’t remove the odor, it’s best to call a professional air duct cleaning company as soon as possible.

Thermostat Issues

A properly functioning thermostat is crucial to a comfortable home. When issues arise with this device, it can disrupt your HVAC system and lead to costly repairs. Fortunately, there are many common thermostat problems that can be solved easily through simple methods like replacing batteries or ensuring all wiring and fuses are intact. If these fixes don’t work, however, it may be time to call in a professional.

A faulty thermostat can affect your furnace in a number of ways, including preventing it from turning on when you need it to heat your home. This is a sign that the device isn’t getting power and needs to be reset or replaced. This issue can also stem from a bad or outdated air filter. If you haven’t replaced your filter in a while, installing a new one could solve the problem.

Another common issue with thermostats is the symptom of turning off and on frequently, which is known as short-cycling. This can be caused by a variety of issues, including a dirty air filter or a thermostat that doesn’t respond to your settings. A thermostat that isn’t responding to your settings can also cause the heating system to run on a pre-selected schedule or set for the wrong type of equipment, leading to unnecessary wear and tear.

In most cases, a thermostat that isn’t working is the result of an electrical problem. If your thermostat uses batteries, check the low-battery indicator light to see if it is illuminated. If it isn’t, you can try replacing the batteries or pressing the recessed reset button using a paperclip (if there is one) to restart the unit. If the unit still isn’t responsive, check the furnace switch to make sure it is in the on position.

Similarly, a hardwired thermostat that’s not receiving power can be the result of a tripped or blown fuse. Make sure the HVAC breaker is on and that all fuses are in place and good condition. If the issue persists, a professional should examine the circuit board and electrical connections to determine what’s causing it to not turn on.

Gas Leaks

Gas leaks from your furnace can be incredibly dangerous. This is why it is important that you know how to spot the signs of a gas leak, and what to do when you encounter one.

The most common cause of a gas leak from your furnace is that the heat exchanger has a crack or rust hole in it. When this happens, your furnace will start leaking carbon monoxide. This is a very toxic gas, so it is important that you have it fixed right away.

Another reason you might have a gas leak is that the blower motor has failed. When this occurs, it will no longer blow air over the heat exchanger, and instead, will blow it into your ducts. This can lead to a number of different problems, including excess moisture in your ducts. It can also lead to the formation of mold and mildew. If you have any of these issues, it is important to contact a professional heating technician to inspect and repair them.

A clogged drain line is another common problem that can trigger a gas leak from your furnace. Some high efficiency furnaces have a pump that is used to lift condensation from the heat exchanger and transfer it into the drain system. Over time, this can become clogged with debris, or the condensation pump may fail. Replacing this part can be difficult, and it is a job best left to professionals.

Other causes of a gas leak are problems with the gas line itself, or the line connecting your furnace to the home. For example, tree roots can grow into the gas line over time and cut off the flow of gas. Other problems include contaminants in the line, damage to the line, or a build-up of gunk at the gas line access point.

The most common sign of a gas leak is the smell. Natural gas doesn’t have an odor, so producers add in a rotten egg-like stench for safety. If you can smell gas in your home, evacuate immediately and call the gas company and emergency services.

What Are The Benefits of a Septic tank?

A septic tank collects wastewater from your toilets, showers, sinks, garbage disposal, and washing machine. Microorganisms break down the solid waste, which sinks to the bottom of the buried container and forms sludge. Oil and grease floats to the top and forms a layer called scum. Click https://www.septictankarmadale.com.au/ to learn more. Compartments and the septic tank outlet prevent sludge and scum from leaving the tank with the liquid wastewater (effluent).

The liquid waste, or effluent, exits into a buried drain or leach field.

The absorption field is an area of uncompacted, unsaturated soil that receives and treats wastewater that exits the septic tank. The soil acts as a physical, chemical, and biological filter to purify the effluent before it reaches groundwater or surface water. Soils must be properly sized for the volume of wastewater so that they can easily absorb it without overloading and clogging the system.

If wastewater is not absorbed, it can enter groundwater, exposing people and pets to disease-causing organisms that contaminate the water supply. A contaminated water supply can also contaminate the home’s plumbing fixtures and surrounding landscape. A septic tank that fails to treat the waste properly can also pose a public health risk.

A septic tank is a buried, watertight container that holds household sewage long enough to separate the solids from the liquid. The solids settle to the bottom, forming sludge, while oil and grease float to the top, forming scum. A T-shaped outlet prevents sludge and scum from leaving the tank and traveling into the drainfield area. Liquid wastewater (effluent) exits the septic tank through the watertight, 4-inch-diameter pipe leading to the absorption field.

An undersized or poorly constructed absorption field is a common cause of failure. The size of the absorption field is based on the number of bedrooms in the house and the soil’s ability to absorb and retain wastewater.

Place a wood board or stick down into the septic tank to determine sludge depth and mark where it comes to rest. Next, push the board or stick into the sludge until you feel resistance and mark again. The difference between the two marks indicates the maximum sludge depth.

Before the septic tank can function properly, the soil in the absorption field must be able to accept and process wastewater without overloading or clogging the system. The soil must also be able to percolate water at a rate equal to or faster than the household sewage load.

Before constructing a new septic tank or absorption field, four perc holes are dug at the proposed site to determine the soil’s percolation rate. The slowest rate is used to size the absorption field, which must be at least 300 square feet per bedroom of the house for a conventional septic system.

Seepage Pit

A septic tank is a watertight container that holds wastewater long enough for solid waste to settle. When the liquid wastewater, also called effluent, exits the tank, it flows through a drainfield where microorganisms further treat it. The septic tank is usually made of concrete, fiberglass or polyethylene, and it has compartments for different types of waste. Solids, such as fats, oils and greases, sink to the bottom of the septic tank and form a layer known as sludge. The liquid wastewater floats to the top and is commonly called scum. Microorganisms break down these layers to form the clean wastewater.

Once the septic system is fully treated, the effluent seeps into the soil through the absorption field, returning to the natural water and weather cycles. This process is environmentally friendly and reduces the risks of sewage contamination for everyone who lives or visits your property.

It is essential to maintain proper maintenance on a septic system to extend its lifespan and prevent problems such as clogs or leaks. The septic tank needs to be pumped regularly, and you should make sure that all household products are safe for your septic system. This includes items like dental floss, paper towels, pet litter and bleach, which can all cause clogs. In addition, it is important to not park vehicles or construction equipment over the absorption field and other septic system components.

If you are considering buying a home that has a septic system, you should request that the seller provide you with a septic inspection report. Having this information will help you determine whether the system is in good working condition and can be maintained adequately for its intended lifespan. You may also want to consider submitting a contingent offer on the home, which is an offer that is dependent on passing septic inspections.

If you have questions about septic systems or need to schedule a service, contact Precision Excavating Inc. Our team is licensed by the Board of Health in Westchester and Putnam, NY to install and repair septic systems. We follow all local regulations to ensure that your septic system is operating properly. Call today to set up an appointment.

Inlet and Outlet Tees

Septic tanks are large underground containers designed to hold raw sewage for a specific duration. They have baffle walls that expertly segregate and direct the flow of wastewater to allow solid waste to settle and liquid effluent to exit. The inlet and outlet tees are critical parts of this process and are vitally important to the health and safety of your septic system.

When wastewater enters a septic tank it first hits the inlet baffle. This slows the flow and prevents scum from collecting and blocking the inlet pipe. The inlet baffle also helps to reduce the movement of gases from the septic tank back into the home or business it serves.

Once the septic tank contents have been treated the liquid effluent exits through the outlet pipe. This is a very important point and if it is not done correctly it can cause severe problems for the absorption field. The outlet pipe should extend at least 2 or 3 inches deeper than the top of the inlet tee. This is to prevent septic tank scum and sewage from running out the tank outlet and clogging up the absorption system or drainfield.

The outlet pipe should also be fitted with a sanitary tee. This tee is designed to regulate the opening of the tank so that solid waste, grease and other trash can not enter the absorption field. If the sanitary tee becomes blocked, a blockage in the septic tank or if the tee is missing altogether it could allow solid waste, grease and trash to enter the drain field and damage it.

If the inlet or outlet tee is damaged, it should be repaired immediately. This will help prevent odors and possible contamination of the absorption field or the surrounding property. It is also a good idea to have the tees checked and replaced as necessary at routine septic tank pumping.

This photograph by architect Waters shows the replacement tee parts used to repair this septic tank inlet baffle. He used a 22 degree elbow rather than a straight connection on the new tee to avoid bringing it too high up in the tank. It is important to have the tee fittings in the septic tank slope upwards so that incoming wastewater can not enter the tank and cause a buildup of sludge.


Depending on how much you and your family use the septic system, you may need to have the tank pumped every three to five years. A septic system that is not properly maintained can lead to problems including clogs and backups in the drain field and contamination of groundwater. Pumping the septic tank removes solid waste that settles to the bottom of the tank, which prevents this material from entering the drainfield. This can minimize clogs and backups in the home and protects the absorption field from contamination by raw sewage.

A septic tank typically contains a series of pumps that control the flow of wastewater through the system. The system can be connected to a sewer system in some cases. The septic tank also contains a large lid with inspection ports that are used for access and cleaning of the septic system components.

The septic tank includes a series of float switches that control the operation of the pump. The lower float is the “pump enable/off” float. When this float tips to the up position it enables the pump to run. When the upper and middle floats tip to the down position, the pump stops running.

The wastewater that enters the septic tank is separated into liquid effluent and solid sludge. The liquid effluent is allowed to exit the septic tank through a large, central service hole. The sludge layer slowly builds up in the tank over time until it reaches the level of the outlet hole. When the sludge layer reaches this point, it must be pumped out by a licensed septic contractor.

Having a septic system installed in your home is the best way to protect the health and safety of your family. However, the septic system will not work without proper maintenance and regular pumping. It is also important to avoid flushing anything other than toilet paper and human waste. Items such as hair, grease and foreign objects can clog the system and cause a backup in the drain field or home.

Septic tanks should be mapped out so that system components can easily be located and accessed. This will help to prevent damage during home renovations, yard work and vehicle and equipment use. It is also recommended to keep shrubs, trees and other long-rooted plants away from the absorption field as they can grow into and clog pipes.

Behind the Scenes: The Work and Skills of Plumbers 

Plumber Sarasota installs, maintains, and repairs plumbing systems. These may be in homes, commercial or industrial buildings, or public facilities. Plumbers must be familiar with a wide range of tools and systems.


They also inspect and test plumbing systems for safety, functionality, and compliance with regulations. To succeed as a Plumber, you need excellent customer service skills and strong critical thinking abilities.

The faucet handle is one of the most visible components of a water fixture, so when it starts to crack or wear, it can be a big deal. Replacing the handle can give your sink a fresh new look and help with overall maintenance and upkeep. However, removing and installing the handle is a job for a professional plumber. It can be dangerous to work with water under pressure, and it’s best to leave this task to a licensed plumber for safety and efficiency reasons.

Before you remove your old handle, turn off the water supply valve under the sink to prevent any accidental water leaks. You may also want to wrap a towel around the drain to protect your floors and counters from splashes or spills.

If your faucet has a decorative cap that covers a screw, use a screwdriver to pry it off and expose the handle set screw. Once you have the screw removed, pull up on the handle to remove it from the faucet. A screwdriver is often enough to loosen the set screw, but if it’s stuck, try using penetrating oil or gently tapping with a mallet.

Once you’ve got the handle off, it’s time to inspect and repair the internal parts. Check the washer and O-ring for wear and tear, as these are common culprits for leaks. If the washer is cracked or damaged, you can replace it with a new washer from a local hardware store. A new O-ring is also available for purchase, and it’s a good idea to change it when you replace the washer.

If your faucet is leaking from the cartridge, it’s a good idea to replace the cartridge as well. This is another job that can be done without the help of a professional, but it’s important to take your time and ensure the cartridge is seated correctly in the faucet body. Once you’ve replaced the cartridge, reassemble the entire faucet and test it for functionality and proper seating. If the handle still won’t seat or the cartridge is leaking, it’s best to call a professional plumber for further inspection and replacement.

Faucet Seat Replacement

The valve seat is the component in a faucet that creates a seal when water flows through it. A worn out valve seat can lead to a leak, and can be repaired by replacing it. Replacing a valve seat is relatively easy, but it requires that you shut off the water supply to the faucet. Once the water is off, you can remove the handle and then unscrew the faucet body to access the valve seat.

If the seat is a good match for the faucet, you can insert it and then screw it back in place using a clockwise turn. However, if the new seat is not an exact fit for the faucet, you may need to use tools like a valve seat grinder or dresser to reshape it in order to get a good seal.

Once the new seat is in place, you can screw the faucet body and handle back into place. Be sure to tighten the new valve seat firmly, but don’t over-tighten it. Once the faucet is reassembled, turn the water back on underneath and check for leaks and proper function.

Plumbers often work in residential homes, but they also work in many other types of buildings and environments. Commercial and industrial environments present different challenges for plumbers, who may need to deal with larger systems that serve multiple occupants. For example, a hospital or manufacturing plant may require complex plumbing equipment that needs to be installed, maintained, and repaired.

A career as a plumber requires a high school diploma or equivalent, and extensive on-the-job training. Most plumbers receive their education through an apprenticeship program, which lasts four to five years and includes both classroom instruction and paid on-the-job training. In addition to on-the-job experience, most states require that plumbers pass a licensing exam.

Plumbers must be able to think critically and solve problems quickly. They need to understand how systems work, and be able to read blueprints and other technical documents. They also need to have the physical strength to lift heavy equipment and tools. Lastly, they must be able to communicate with customers and explain their work in a way that makes sense to them.

Faucet Cylinder Replacement

Cartridge faucets are a special type of washerless faucet that uses a valve to control water flow and temperature. When this valve begins to wear out or lose its seal, it is time to replace the cartridge. While replacing a faucet cartridge can seem daunting, with some determination and basic tools, it is not difficult to do for most homeowners.

The first step is to shut off the water supply. This is usually accomplished by turning off the water at the valve located under the sink. Once the water is turned off, it is important to allow the faucet to drain completely before moving on to the cartridge replacement.

Next, the handle must be removed to gain access to the old cartridge. The handle is attached to the cartridge by a set screw or Phillips head screw that can be unscrewed with a screwdriver. Some handles are designed with a decorative cap that must be removed to expose the set screw. In this case, it is a good idea to use a strap wrench for extra leverage. After the handle and any caps are removed, it is necessary to remove the escutcheon. This is a flat plate that covers the screw or set screw and must be removed to reveal a brass retaining clip. This clip is typically U-shaped and surrounds two plastic tabs on the cartridge. It is necessary to note the precise orientation of these tabs so that the new cartridge can be installed in the same orientation. The retaining clip can be removed with a pair of pliers or a small screwdriver.

Once the retainer clip is removed, the leaking cartridge can be replaced. It is a good idea to lubricate the new cartridge with plumber’s grease before inserting it. This will help ensure that the cartridge fits correctly and that no water is leaking from the o-rings or other areas of the faucet body. Once the cartridge is inserted, it is a good idea to turn the water back on to test the new faucet.

If you are satisfied with the results, it is a good idea to label the faucet with the date of installation and any other relevant information. This will help you to track the life of the cartridge and anticipate when it will need to be replaced. It is also a good idea to keep an extra cartridge on hand for future emergencies.

Faucet Valve Replacement

A plumber’s duties include installing and repairing pipes that facilitate water, gas, or waste disposal in residential and commercial settings. They may also inspect a property’s plumbing systems to ensure they function properly. They must have certain soft skills to succeed in this career, such as communication and customer service.

One common plumbing repair involves replacing a shower valve cartridge. This type of fixture is a small component that’s located inside the shower handle, but it can cause major problems when it stops working. It’s important to shut off the water supply before attempting a replacement, and you should drain any remaining water in the pipes as well.

To begin, you’ll need a new valve cartridge and a few basic tools. First, remove the handle and escutcheon plate to expose the old cartridge. Once you’ve removed the old cartridge, replace it with the new one by screwing it into place and reattaching the handle. If the faucet has a metal clip that holds it in place, use needle-nose pliers to release it. Then, reattach the handle and trim plate. If the old escutcheon had a layer of calk securing it around its edges, apply a new layer using a caulking gun.

Another common type of plumbing repair is a faulty valve seat. This is usually caused by mineral deposits and sediment buildup that can wear away the surface of the valve seat. You can try to fix this by cleaning the valve seat with a steel wool pad, but this method isn’t always successful. A better option is to use a tool called a valve seat dresser, which is an inexpensive device that evens out a worn seat. Just be careful not to overdo it; you don’t want to wear away the entire seat.

You can avoid this problem by upgrading to a modern quarter-turn valve. These are less prone to leaks and lock ups, and they take only 30 minutes to install. You can buy them at your local hardware store. Before you start working, be sure to turn off the water at the main shutoff valve under your sink or in the house.

How to Hire an Attorney

Birth Injury Attorney Atlanta has been formally educated and trained in law. They practice this law in Court and have passed the bar exam to be licensed to do so.

Lawyers can also provide legal advice outside of a courtroom. They may do this as part of a specialized job, such as advising an entire company on the legal risks of certain actions.

Legal advice involves an attorney analyzing facts and advising a client to take a particular course of action based on the applicable law. It can be given in exchange for payment or without remuneration. Advice given without remuneration is often called pro bono publico or pro bono.

An attorney can give legal information but notcan only offer advice about a specific case if the attorney and the client have established an attorney-client relationship. For example, grabbing a lawyer acquaintance at a party and asking them what they think about your upcoming divorce would not constitute legal advice. It is also important to understand that attorneys can only provide legal advice about matters in which they have expertise. For example, a family law specialist can advise about divorce cases but cannot advise about a criminal case.

For instance, many cases involving government agencies can be resolved with just a letter, so the attorney may recommend that you attempt to resolve your issue on your own before providing additional advice. If the attorney believes that you have a situation that requires more in-depth legal work, they will let you know how much time they think it will take to address and will draft a fee agreement for you to sign.

Representation in Court

Representation is the work a licensed attorney does on a client’s behalf in legal proceedings. An attorney may charge for representation in a variety of ways, including flat fees, hourly rates, contingency fees, or a combination. An attorney must always disclose to clients their method of charging for representation. A careful consumer will consider a number of variables when hiring an attorney, including the nature and importance of the case, the fee and payment arrangement, personal chemistry with the attorney, and the attorney’s reputation.

A person who represents himself in Court is called a pro se litigant or self-represented litigant. The Court discourages people from attempting to represent themselves because it takes specialized skills and knowledge of the law to do so successfully. Pro se litigants must be familiar with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Local Rules of Practice, and individual Judges’ practices to conduct a successful case.

In some cases, a non-attorney can be assisted by a McKenzie friend, who is allowed to sit in on a case but cannot speak for the plaintiff or defendant. A McKenzie friend may help a person take notes or organize documents, but this is not legal assistance. A person who does not have a lawyer may also be eligible for legal aid or discounted attorney fees through a state program.

If an attorney believes it is in the best interests of his or her client to withdraw from representing them, he or she must act to do so. This may involve helping the client find another attorney, postponing court dates, and surrendering papers and documents relevant to the case. The attorney must also return any money owed to the client under the fee agreement.

Fee Agreements

Whether you’re looking for an attorney for a single case, or hiring someone to take on a project-based assignment, it’s important that the financial terms of the arrangement be clear. In fact, many states require that attorneys draft a written fee agreement before commencing work. This ensures that both parties are on the same page about how much it will cost to pursue a particular course of action.

In general, a fee agreement lays out how and when the lawyer will be paid. The document will usually identify the parties involved, provide a detailed description of the work to be performed, and describe any other financial conditions agreed upon. Some of these agreements include payment schedules, acceptable forms of payment, late payment penalties, and warranties related to the quality or timeliness of the services.

There are a variety of different types of attorney fee agreements. Each type has its own set of pros and cons, and each is suited to different types of cases and situations. For example, hourly rate fee agreements are the traditional model in commercial litigation, contingent fees are the norm in personal injury and some civil rights cases, and flat fees are often used for routine tasks like residential foreclosures and simple criminal defense representations.

Some fee agreements also spell out the scope of a lawyer’s work. For instance, a “do-not-exceed” fee agreement limits the amount of time and resources that a lawyer will devote to your matter. These kinds of agreements are common in cases involving legal malpractice claims and particularly byzantine commercial transactions.

Other fee agreements cover how and when a lawyer will be paid, and may address other issues such as the client’s responsibilities to the firm (such as being honest and forthright) and how and when the attorney-client relationship can end.

A fee agreement is a legally binding contract, so you should review it carefully and understand its terms before signing. If you aren’t sure about something in the contract, ask the attorney for an explanation. This will help you avoid misunderstandings and disputes down the road.


Introductions are an important part of any writing project, whether you’re a student, writer or business professional. Effective introductions help set the tone for your essay, guide readers through your arguments, and offer context for your topic. Effective introductions are short and concise, and they provide background information only as needed to explain your research and the relevance of your argument. Ideally, you should revise your introduction after you’ve written the rest of your paper.

While many students draft an introduction early on in their research process, this can be detrimental to the overall quality of the essay. Most first-draft introductions lack critical insight into the subject and are unable to stand up against the in-depth research and analysis that will be used to support your thesis statement.

A strong introduction begins with a powerful quotation that draws the reader in and establishes the narrative you’re setting up. If you’re discussing a particular issue, a relevant statistic or fact can also help introduce the topic and pique interest in your article.

The length of your introduction should be proportional to the length and complexity of your paper. For example, a twenty-page paper may call for an introduction that occupies most of the first page, while a five-page essay will likely require much shorter introduction. You should also try to avoid starting with sweeping generalizations in your introduction. Rather than discussing standardized testing in schools, for example, you should focus on the specifics of your paper’s research question.

Some students are tempted to include extensive background information in their introductions. While this may help give readers a good sense of the scope of their research and the argument they’re making, most of this background should be left to your body paragraphs. By limiting your background information to the essentials, you can help your reader better understand your point of view and how it differs from the rest of your argument. Writing an essay without an introduction at the start often results in an incoherent paper. Taking the time to write an introduction can ensure that the broader research and arguments you make are cohesive and well-articulated.